lunes, 18 de octubre de 2010

Today's Film: Clerks

So a couple of months ago I decided I had to watch something by this guy Kevin Smith. I knew him from some interviews and talks (like the one where he speaks about the Superman film he almost wrote) and thought he was hilarious. What I was expecting was a geeky Generation X comedy, but I got more than I was looking for.

This movie explores what is like to be twenty-something and feel completely stucked in life, not knowing what to do, or even worse, afraid of taking that step that will lead you to something better.

At first, it actually looks as a silly comedy, but between farts and cock sucking jokes, you'll find a deep background. That's the genius of this movie, something that its successor, Mallrats, seems to lack.

The best Kevin Smith film, IMO.

Rating: 7/10

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